​​We help 7, 8, 9 & 10 figure brands generate millions of dollars in revenue with strategically designed, seamlessly delivered, sold-out and profitable, high-impact experiences. 


If you want to:

  • Increase your reach
  • Put your name on the map  
  • Convert followers into die-hard fans
  • Create demand for your entire product portfolio and
  • Skyrocket your sales…

… then I’m here to tell you, that when done right, an event will be the ultimate needle-mover in your business.

But let’s be real, you already know this.

You just haven’t met the perfect partner to help you bring your vision to life. 

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With 20+ years experience,
we know what works, and what doesn’t. 

Ultimate event success can always be traced back
to having a strong framework. 

Lucky for you, we can create that framework for you.

 But don't just take our word for it,
here's what some of our clients have to say:


Whether you are “Designing to Launch™” or “Redesigning to Scale™”, our tried-and-tested methods and proven strategies have:

  • Transformed an event that ran year after year at a $400K LOSS (pre-MPE) into a $1.8M PROFIT within 8 months
  • Launched and sold out 2 x 500-person conferences in Tokyo and Australia without an email list OR paid ads
  • Significantly increased attendance and revenue whilst simultaneously drastically reducing the cost of every event we have ever produced
  • Enabled MPE to expand to the U.S. (and now globally!), based solely on referrals, rave reviews from attendees, and repeat business

Want results like these for your business?


 When You Hire Us You Get the Whole
Kit and Kaboodle!

We will ALWAYS protect YOUR pocket.

Our 3-phased approach takes the risk out of planning.

Here's a sneak peek of how it works:

Phase 1: Proof of Concept

To arm you with the data you need to make an informed decision as to whether or not your event should go-ahead, our Proof of Concept phase involves:

  • Clarifying your event mission and outlining your goals so your event actually moves the needle in your business.
  • Defining your event scope, from program to pitch, perfectly positioned and planned with your target audience’s deepest desires dialed in.
  • Developing the program showflow and designing an event experience that guarantees your target audience will be knocking down your door to purchase tickets.
  • Identifying all potential revenue streams and showing you how to capitalize on them to make your event as seamlessly profitable as it can be. 
  • Putting our concept through its paces, conducting a detailed risk assessment and SWOT analysis, to ensure your event will run like a well-oiled-machine.

Next, we conduct venue research, site visits and make our recommendation(s). With your stamp of approval, we negotiate a deal like no one else in the business and secure a hold on the perfect home for your event.

For the final piece of this phase 1 puzzle, we leverage our little black book of event vendors to develop an itemized event budget and detailed P&L statement.

With our one-of-a-kind experience designed,
budget locked in, goals set and stress-tested…
it’s time to get to work so we can launch our shows.

Phase 2: Full-Service Event Management

Our full event management service includes: 

  • Program Management
  • Operations & Logistics
  • Attendee Experience
  • Speaker & Talent Management 
  • Sponsor & Tradeshow Management
  • Brand Activations & Special Events
  • Stage Design & Event Theming
  • Attendee Registration & Management
  • Brand Strategy & Management 
  • Health & Safety

You don’t have an event without attendees!

Phase 3: Marketing & Promotion

Our tried and tested process includes designing, implementing and executing a targeted audience acquisition and registered attendee nurture campaign to market your event and turn followers into wallet-waving fans. 

From content creation, graphic ideation and copy production, we’ve produced marketing campaigns across website, email, social, podcasts, partner and brand collaborations, in-person events, press, editorial, OOH – both organic and paid… selling events out all over the world and creating ROI that will make your head spin.

This involves:

  • Defining your event scope and messaging, from program to pitch, perfectly positioned and planned with your target audience’s deepest desires dialed in. This includes nailing your event theme, 5 Ws, one-paragraph sales statement, 3-5 USPs/key features, target audiences pain points and the transformations they won't be able to ignore. 
  • Data-driven decision making, assess all available data to select the most appropriate marketing channels to attract, nurture and convert your target audience with minimum effort and maximum impact.
  • Plot an individual marketing plan for each channel, that aligns with your event milestones and sets you up to get the absolute biggest bang for your buck.
  • Design and deliver your targeted audience acquisition and registered attendee nurture campaigns. Created to convert, our in-house team designs, implements and executes every promotional piece for every selected channel, so you can focus on your zone of genius.
  • Track and adapt, here at MPE, we don’t set and forget. Engagement and conversion rates are closely monitored and future efforts manipulated to guarantee the highest level of success. 

Are you ready to skyrocket your revenue through events?

When you apply to work with us, you will be asked for information about your event and your business. 

MPE is the premier full-service event management company for tech startups and elite entrepreneurs all over the world – and we want to make sure that we never waste a minute of anyone’s time – including our own.

Once we’ve reviewed your application, if we believe we’re a good fit, we’ll be in touch to get you booked in for a no-obligation consultation call. 

This isn’t a “sales call.” This is an interview to genuinely gauge whether or not Melissa Park Events is a fit for you. 

In fact, what we’re most interested in is whether your business is at a stage where you’re ready to introduce an event or scale your existing one, because some companies have upper limits and behind-the-scenes challenges that could get in the way.

We want to make sure there aren't any red flags that are going to hold you back because, if we do work together, we’re DETERMINED to get you results.

Due to a very high level of client retention, availability for new clients is EXTREMELY limited.

If you are ready to commit to moving that needle, then you’re going to want to apply ASAP.


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