Are you ready to

Swap event marketing stress with SOLD OUT success?

Calling all event planners, marketers and entrepreneurs

Have you been struggling to fill seats for your virtual, hybrid or in-person events?

Maybe one of these sounds familiar?


This isn’t your first rodeo. You’ve held events before and while you know they’re great for business, you’re hesitant to relive the stress of juggling event registrations with trying to plan the damn thing.


You’ve had high registrations for your free events, but paid tickets have been a STRUG-GLE! And, unfortunately, a list of email addresses collected from a free summit doesn’t exactly hit your KPIs or pay your bills!


You’ve never held an event before or this is your first one in our post-COVID world. You want to make sure you do it right, so that recurring nightmare of having only three people show up doesn’t become a reality.

If your answer to any of these is “Hell yes!”, take a deep breath and know that YOU. ARE. NOT. ALONE.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve witnessed an alarming number of clients and organizers struggle to drive attendance to their events. When I jumped in to help, I found many of them making the same mistakes over and over again. 

Picture this...

You begin with what you think is a solid event marketing campaign with strategically timed announcements to get your audience sprinting to the checkout.

But as time ticks by, you watch the forecasting graph on your registration dashboard slip further and further away from your target. 

At first, you’re calm (or, at least trying to convince yourself you are).

“Everyone’s just busy,” you tell yourself. “They just haven’t gotten around to it yet!”

BUT before you know it, you’re at single digit weeks out and your upcoming event is looking emptier than the office after a long Friday lunch.

You’ve run out of every plausible excuse for why people aren’t buying. Heck, you can’t even blame COVID-19 anymore, because you know that thought leader on your LinkedIn just posted about their sold-out event.  

So, you desperately cling onto that magical hockey stick for dear life… aka that dramatic uptick in sales that ‘always’ comes in right before the event.

With a budget to hit and venue to fill, you’re left with little choice but to set off a flare or raise a red flag with management or your client. You even find yourself uttering that dirty word you hoped you’d never have to say — ‘cancel.’ Gulp.

Your ‘solid’ campaign (that didn’t convert) is quickly replaced with a desperate mishmash of vaguely-themed promotions (World Emoji Day is a good excuse for a discount, right?), invite-a-friend promos and ‘exciting’ last minute speaker announcements that are so transparent they may as well be cellophane. 

Rather than focusing on runsheets, briefings and rehearsals to ensure event day goes smoothly, you’re running around like a headless chicken creating a gazillion promotion codes and firing off every last ditch marketing effort your team can think of. 

Hitting a little too close to home??

We’ve all been there. 

BUT I’m about to show you how you NEVER have to relive this nightmare again.


Imagine this...

A world where your target audience is banging down your door (or clogging your inbox) to purchase a ticket to your upcoming event.

Due to demand, registration closes early, you have a lengthy waitlist and you can put that highly sought after SOLD-OUT stamp on your website. Every eventprofs dream — am I right?

Now, let's fast forward a little further into the future.

You walk into event week feeling cool, calm and collected. 

You are proactive rather than reactive. Focused rather than frantic and frazzled. 

You are able to stay present on the task at hand, rather than running through the motions to tick items off your to-do list.

Your rehearsals run smoothly. Heck, you were even able to suggest a few tweaks to make good presentations great. Staff briefings were a hoot and everyone is feeling positive, pumped and ready to open the show.

The clock strikes ‘go time’. Your DJ is pumping, attendees are beelining to the registration desk to collect their badges. The energy in the air is electric, everyone (yes, even your client or CEO) is smiling from ear to ear. Your vision has come to life and you’re OWNING your event success like the boss that you are. 

This is the reality of my clients’ events and now, it can be yours, too.

After years in the trenches working on hundreds of events, it’s safe to say I’ve tried and tested every event marketing tactic in the book. I’ve seen first-hand that there are a few essential elements that make the difference between a flop of an event and a fabulous success.  

After a long process of tweaking and refining, I’ve distilled those secrets into my own, one-of-a-kind formula. This is the tried-and-tested method that I now use to transform my clients’ struggling events into high-impact profitable experiences.

Now, for the first time ever, you can use it to deliver earth-shakingly successful events, too.



The Mel-Factor Method

Your VIP All-Access Pass for producing highly successful SOLD OUT events

This 7-module, self-paced masterclass is jam-packed with the tools, tactics and templates I’ve used to produce highly successful SOLD OUT events around the globe. 

I’m talking step-by-step video lessons, checklists, questionnaires, surveys, budget, project plan and event timeline templates and much, much more! 

The 30 videos guide you through hands-on activities that you can complete and implement right now to fast-track your next event's success.

“Years of professional event experience and vital industry information packed into this one-stop-shop to make your event a success.” 

Justine Parker, Director of Accounts, American Exposition Services


In this masterclass, you’ll:

But that's not all...

Get these incredible bonuses when you enroll today!

The actionable steps and downloads make it simple to work through each part of the process and leave you feeling focused and confident in bringing a stand-out event to life without the stress.”

Alicia Penhorwood - Founder & Director, Harper Collective

Let's add all that up...

Here's what you'll get: 

  • The 30-video masterclass
  • Seven workbooks to implement as you go
  • All of the resources and bonuses
  • Access to our exclusive community Facebook group 
  • Monthly 60-minute interactive Q&A calls with Mel

Your Investment

The 30 videos, seven workbooks, all of the bonuses, access to our exclusive community forum and monthly 60-minute interactive Q&A calls with Mel are valued at $1,999 by an independent third party. 

However, that’s NOT what you’re going to pay. 

For a limited time only, you can access the entire masterclass for less than the cost of ONE average conference all-access pass. 

Just $999 USD 

That’s a saving of $1,000!

Payment Plan

3 x $399 USD



Single Payment

$999 USD



“The depth of knowledge and real life experience that Melissa brings to this masterclass makes it a must-have for anyone wanting to create a sold out event.

Alicia Penhorwood - Founder & Director, Harper Collective

Hi, I'm Mel!

An international award-winning event producer who travels the globe elevating brands, amplifying messages and transforming struggling events into extraordinary must-attend experiences. 

How did I get here? I’m glad you asked. A self-made entrepreneur, I have built a global event business through word-of-mouth referrals, attendee recognition, repeat clientele and an ROI track record that will make your head spin.

I've produced some of Australia's largest high-profile events like The PGA Golf Show, General Practitioners Conference & Exhibition, and The World Masters Games Gala Ball and Closing Celebration. 

In 2014, I made a splash in the United States, where I have now made a name for myself in the technology space for my seamlessly executed large-scale conferences, strategic sponsorships, and innovative brand activations.

This means I’ve done it in-house.
I’ve done it as a contractor.
I’ve done it as a solopreneur. 
AND I can teach you how to do it too!


“As a client of Melissa's I get to witness her "Mel-Factor" magic at each of our events. Melissa always over-delivers and this masterclass is no exception.” 

Rob Rozicki, VP Marketing, Dataiku

 “Whether you're planning or delivering events, or want to know how to market your events to drive registration and conversion, this course provides an in-depth tutorial on it all.”

Nina Vidale, Head of Event Production, Reed Exhibitions

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are you ready to fast-track your next event’s success?

Payment Plan

3 x $399 USD



Single Payment

$999 USD